The JMG Collections

Include more than 10,000 original artifacts, which document the material evidence of 2,300 years of Jewish history and culture in Greece.


Babylonian Talmud, tractate Zevahim, with commentaries.

Prayer book for the holiday of Pessah with the Haggadah, Egyptian-Arabic translation, and Mishnah tractate Pirkei Avot with commentaries.

Hebrew Bible, with Aramaic translation, commentaries and Yiddish transcription, vol. 6, Book of Ezekiel.

Orah Hayim, section of the Shulhan Aruh, with commentaries Turei Zahav and Magen Avraham.

Compilation of Talmudic Aggadah with commentaries, vol. 3.

Talmud, tractate Yevamot, with commentaries.

Hebrew Bible with Ladino translation and commentaries, vol. 2, Former Prophets.

Hebrew Bible with Ladino translation and commentaries, vol. 3, Latter Prophets.

Hebrew Bible with Ladino translation and commentaries, vol. 1, Pentateuch.

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