The JMG Collections

Include more than 10,000 original artifacts, which document the material evidence of 2,300 years of Jewish history and culture in Greece.

Work on the origin of Jewish commandments.
Commentary to the Mishnah and Maimonides' "Mishneh Torah".
Prayer book, Italian translation and commentary by R. David Prato.
Prayer book for the beginning of the holiday of Passover (Seder) with the Narration of the Exodus, with Yiddish translation.
Jewish encyclopedia, in Hebrew, vol. 3.
Jewish encyclopedia, in Hebrew, vol. 5.
Jewish encyclopedia, in Hebrew, vol. 10, titlepage.
Prayer book for the whole year, according to Sephardic custom.
Jewish encyclopedia, in Hebrew, vol. 10, frontispiece.
Kabbalistic prayer book, vol. 5, for Rosh ha-Shanah.
Prayer book for the weekdays and Shabbat, and Passover Haggadah, according to Sephardic custom.
Kabbalistic prayer book for the Hakkafot ceremony at Simhat Torah, with songs.
Prayer book for the holiday of Yom Kippur, according to Sephardic custom.
Prayer book for the whole year according to Sephardic custom, translated into Greek by R. Issac Mizan and Jacob Felus
Prayer book for the whole year for children and teenagers, according to Ashkenazi costum.
Prayer book for the weekdays according to Sephardic custom, with Ladino translation.
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