The JMG Collections
Include more than 10,000 original artifacts, which document the material evidence of 2,300 years of Jewish history and culture in Greece.
Architectural Elements
Copy of a column in honour of “scholar and presiding religious officer Alexander“ with a carving of a Menorah, a seven-branched candelabrum, at the top. The original can be found at the Archeological Museum of Larissa. Gift of the Jewish Community of Larissa.
Marble tombstone for Joseph Melito or Melito (?), who died on Yom Hamishi, 19 Tamuz 5550 (Thursday, July 1, 1790)
Stone plaque commemorating a financial donation of 100 Napoleon gold coins by Moshe HaCohen in memory of his wife Leah, from the Synagogue of Preveza.
Stone plaque commemorating a financial donation of 50 Napoleon gold coins by Moshe HaCohen in memory of his father Abraham HaCohen, from the Synagogue of Preveza.
Copy of a small revetment plaque bearing the image of an inscribed menorah and a lulav. The original made of pentelic marble was found in the Ancient Agora at Athens. The plaque is kept at the storages of the Museum of Ancient Agora.
Copy of a capital fragment showing three Menorot, a seven-branched candelabrum, with a depiction of a Lulav, a palm branch, and an Etrog, a citron, two of the Four Species. This belonged to one of the Synagogues of Corinth. The copy was made through the assistance and permission of Prof. Charles Williams of the American School of Archeology at Athens. The originals can be found in the Archaeological Museum of Corinth.
Copy of a marble plaque bearing a Greek inscription Synagogue of the Hebrews (Synagogue of the Jews), from Corinth. The original is in the Archeological Museum of Corinth.
Part of a Jewish marble tombstone found in the Venetian Wall at Halkis. The Hebrew inscription "Doctor Yiftah Ibn Taman, 22 Nissan 5320 (1560) is carved on the upper portion of a broken 6th B.C.E. Ionic capital.
Copy of a marble plaque, which rested above the lintel of an eastern window of a Synagogue in Herakleion built in the 15th century. The inscription records the dedication of a Torah scroll and the Hechal to the Synagogue by Israel Jacob Khouli son of Rabbi Solomon in 1630. The original is at the Historical Museum of Herakleion, Crete.
Fragment of a marble stele. Triangle form bearing a porpe in between the lines, from the cemetery of Verroia. Tombstone of Hannah, wife(?) of Rabbi Azaria Ben Rubi.